教師姓名:鄭智仁 教師信箱:chihjen@kmu.edu.tw 校內分機:2116 轉312 |
畢業學校 |
主修學門系所 |
學位 |
國立東華大學 |
中國語文學系 |
博士 |
專長 |
1 |
現代詩 |
2 |
臺灣現當代文學 |
3 |
港澳文學 |
4 |
文化研究 |
計畫名稱 |
計畫起迄日期 |
計畫編號 |
1 |
設計導向學習融入現代詩通識課程教學之行動研究 |
2023/08/01~ 2024/07/31 |
PGE1120939 |
2 |
理性作為嚮導:楊牧的有機詩學探究 |
2023/08/01~ 2024/07/31 |
NSTC 112-2410-H-037-031 |
3 |
楊牧晚近詩作的時間意識(II) |
2021/08/01~ 2022/10/31 |
MOST 110-2410-H-037-012 |
4 |
楊牧晚近詩作的時間意識 |
2020/08/01~ 2021/10/31 |
MOST 109-2410-H-037-017 |
1 |
鄭智仁,〈楊牧對六朝詩學的接受與轉化〉,收入許又方主編,《往返尋覓詮釋──楊牧文學論輯》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2024,頁213-256。 |
2 |
鄭智仁,〈永恆的鄉愁──論羅智成的夢想詩學〉,收入須文蔚主編,《閱讀羅智成》,臺北:聯合文學出版社,2024二版,頁89-121。 |
3 |
鄭智仁,《時間的節拍》,臺北:時報出版,2022。 |
4 |
鄭智仁,〈馮夢龍三言的道教情懷〉,收入正修科技大學宗教生命關懷學術研討會編輯委員會主編,《宗教生命關懷學術研討會論文集‧2020》,高雄:正修科技大學通識教育中心,2021,頁77-104。 |
5 |
鄭智仁,〈楊牧《時光命題》的變奏思維〉,收入國立臺南大學國語文學系主編,《第十三屆思維與創作暨第三屆語文教學與文學創作研討會論文集》,臺南:國立臺南大學國語文學系,2021,頁69-87。 |
6 |
鄭智仁,〈澳門現代詩歌中的媽祖意象探究〉,收入張堂錡主編,《台港地區澳門文學評論選》,澳門:澳門文化局,2019,頁343-369。 |
7 |
鄭智仁,〈糾纏、閒愁與低調之歌──論向明詩中的詠物書寫〉,收入何昆益主編,《語文與哲思》,花蓮:慈濟大學,2017,頁81-102。 |
8 |
鄭智仁,〈零雨詩作的樂園意識探究〉,收入黃淑貞主編,《語言與文化》,花蓮:慈濟大學,2016,頁135-172。 |
9 |
鄭智仁,《戰後臺灣新詩樂園書寫研究》,花蓮:國立東華大學中國語文學系博士論文,2012。 |
10 |
鄭智仁,〈擬真述新,越界演義──論陳黎《我/城》的歷史敘事與地誌書寫〉,收入陳黎、吳冠宏等著,《第六屆花蓮文學研討會論文集》,花蓮:花蓮縣文化局,2012,頁157-196。 |
11 |
鄭智仁,〈現代詩人的返鄉之路──論七○年代臺灣新詩的鄉愁空間演繹〉,收入國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所主編,《第八屆全國臺灣文學研究生學術研討會論文集》,臺南:國立臺灣文學館,2011,頁263-299。 |
12 |
鄭智仁,〈論蕭蕭詩的抒情美學〉,收入余境熹主編,《島嶼因風而無邊界──黃河浪、蕭蕭研究專輯》,香港:香港大世界出版公司,2011,頁129-154。 |
13 |
鄭智仁,《苦惱與自由的平均律──陳黎新詩美學研究》,高雄:國立中山大學中國文學系碩士論文,2003。 |
1 |
鄭智仁,〈老靈魂與田園夢〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》219期(2024.06),頁47-58。 |
2 |
鄭智仁,〈臺灣九○後詩人的幽黯意識〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》217期,(2023.12),頁50-56。 |
3 |
鄭智仁,〈偶然與想像:讀嚴忠政《時間畢竟》〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》214期(2023.03),頁58-68。 |
4 |
鄭智仁,〈懿靈詩作中後殖民與女性安那其意涵研究〉,《中國現代文學》41期(2022.06),頁93-118。(THCI) |
5 |
鄭智仁,〈愛的語言學──讀陳怡芬《迷宮之鳥》〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》211期(2022.06),頁76-80。 |
6 |
鄭智仁,〈糾纏、閒愁與低調之歌──論向明詩中的詠物書寫〉,《葡萄園詩刊》233期(2022.02),頁19-32。 |
7 |
鄭智仁,〈空無的美學:零雨詩作的游牧性〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》209(2021.12),頁47-53。 |
8 |
鄭智仁,〈記憶、瞬間與遺忘──楊牧詩作的時間性〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》207期(2021.06),頁46-50。 |
9 |
鄭智仁,〈盛世危言,愛之進化──袁紹珊的流亡書寫〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》205期(2020.12),頁57-60。 |
10 |
鄭智仁,〈梁秉鈞飲食詩的味外之味〉,《創世紀詩雜誌》203期(2020.06),頁57-61。 |
11 |
鄭智仁,〈舒國治〈香港獨遊〉的旅行意義〉,《高醫通識教育學報》14期(2019.12),頁1-21。 |
12 |
鄭智仁,〈感官紀事,體膚隱喻──黃信恩《體膚小事》探究〉,《高醫通識教育學報》12期(2017.12),頁63-89。 |
13 |
鄭智仁,〈澳門現代詩歌中的媽祖意象探究〉,《中國現代文學》24期(2013.12),頁147-166。(THCI) |
14 |
鄭智仁,〈寧靜致和──論楊牧詩中的樂土意識〉,《臺灣詩學學刊》20期(2012.11),頁127-160。 |
15 |
鄭智仁,〈永恆的鄉愁──論羅智成的夢想詩學〉,《華文文學與文化》創刊號(2011.12),頁196 -235。 |
1 |
鄭智仁,〈知音與遺音:楊牧〈琴操變奏九首〉生命意涵探究〉,發表於「2023年第五屆生命倫理與醫學人文學術研討會」,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2023年10月20日。 |
2 |
鄭智仁,〈一首詩的完成:現代詩創作教學之研究〉,發表於「2022文學與語言教學學術研討會」,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2022年10月14日。 |
3 |
鄭智仁,〈航向拜占庭:楊牧六朝詩學的接受與轉化〉,發表於「楊牧文學青年論壇」,花蓮:國立東華大學,2022年3月11日。 |
4 |
鄭智仁,〈厭世詩學:臺灣新世代詩人的抒情自我與幽黯意識〉,發表於「2021年生命倫理與醫學人文學術研討會」,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2021年10月22日。 |
5 |
鄭智仁,〈「現代詩美感賞析與習作」通識課程之教學設計與實踐〉,發表於「2021 臺灣通識教育策略聯盟暨品質策進會@高雄科大大會」,高雄,國立高雄科技大學,2021年7月27日。 |
6 |
鄭智仁,〈楊牧《時光命題》的變奏思維〉,發表於「第十三屆思維與創作暨第三屆語文教學與文學創作研討會」,臺南:國立臺南大學,2021年1月15日。 |
7 |
鄭智仁,〈馮夢龍《三言》的道教情懷〉,發表於「2020宗教生命關懷學術研討會」,高雄:正修科技大學,2020年10月30日。 |
8 |
鄭智仁,〈余光中詠畫詩探究〉,發表於「2020文學與語言教學學術研討會」,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2020年10月23日。 |
9 |
鄭智仁,〈愛與救贖──孫維民詩作的樂園意識〉,發表於2019年「生命倫理與醫學人文」學術研討會,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2019年10月4日。 |
10 |
鄭智仁,〈論楊牧晚期詩作的時間意識〉,發表於「詩人楊牧八秩壽慶國際學術研討會」,臺北:國立臺灣師範大學,2019年9月20日。 |
11 |
鄭智仁,〈感官紀事,體膚隱喻──黃信恩《體膚小事》探究〉,發表於2017年「生命倫理與醫學人文」學術研討會,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2017年10月6日。 |
12 |
鄭智仁,〈旅行如何映照人生──以舒國治〈香港獨遊〉為例〉,發表於「2016『文學、語文教學』學術研討會」,高雄:高雄醫學大學,2016年10月7日。 |
13 |
鄭智仁:〈論梁秉鈞飲食詩中的文化鄉愁〉,發表於「以物觀物:臺灣、東亞與世界的互文脈絡」國際學術研討會,高雄:國立中山大學,2014年10月18日。 |
14 |
鄭智仁,〈糾纏、閒愁與低調之歌──論向明詩中的詠物書寫〉,發表於「2014東方文化學術研討會」,花蓮:慈濟大學,2014年5月3日。 |
15 |
鄭智仁,〈流動島的身世──論懿靈的後殖民詩學〉,發表於「遷徙與記憶」國際學術研討會,高雄:國立中山大學,2013年10月5日。 |
16 |
鄭智仁,〈零雨詩作的樂園意識探究〉,發表於「2013東方文化學術研討會」,花蓮:慈濟大學,2013年5月4日。 |
17 |
鄭智仁,〈擬真述新,越界演義──論陳黎《我/城》的歷史敘事與地誌書寫〉,發表於「第六屆花蓮文學研討會」,花蓮:花蓮縣立文化局,2011年9月24日。 |
18 |
鄭智仁,〈前衛詩學與典範移轉──《現代詩》復刊時期研究〉,發表於「2011華文青年文學研討會」,花蓮:國立東華大學,2011年12月13日。 |
19 |
鄭智仁,〈現代詩人的返鄉之路──論七○年代臺灣新詩的鄉愁空間演繹〉,發表於「第八屆全國臺灣文學研究生學術論文研討會」,臺北:國立臺灣大學,2011年6月5日。 |
20 |
鄭智仁,〈古典的召喚──論洛夫對唐詩的接受與詮釋〉,發表於「東華大學中文系第十屆學生學術發表會」,花蓮:國立東華大學,2007年10月。 |
1 |
第五屆周夢蝶詩獎 |
2 |
高雄世運‧石鼓詩入選 |
3 |
全國優秀青年詩人獎 |
4 |
基隆海洋文學獎 |
5 |
大武山文學獎 |
6 |
高雄打狗文學獎 |
7 |
府城文學獎 |
8 |
黑暗之光文學獎 |
9 |
成大鳳凰樹文學獎古文正獎 |
10 |
成大鳳凰樹文學獎古典曲正獎 |
11 |
成大鳳凰樹文學獎古典詞二獎 |
1 |
高雄醫學大學通識教育中心教學研究組組長 |
2 |
高教深耕計畫子計畫二「提升客製化與漸進式雙語培力」主持人 |
3 |
《高醫通識教育學報》編輯委員會編輯委員、執行編輯 |
4 |
通識教育中心非正式課程發展委員會委員 |
5 |
國立中山大學中文系碩士論文口試委員 |
6 |
國立中山大學中文系暑期專班碩士論文口試委員 |
7 |
德育護理健康學院教師研究計畫審查委員 |
8 |
《臺灣詩學學刊》審稿委員 |
9 |
《嘉大中文學報》審稿委員 |
10 |
《臺陽文史研究》審稿委員 |
11 |
《人文社會學報》審稿委員 |
12 |
《經國學報》審稿委員 |
13 |
師大第22屆「紅樓現代文學獎」現代詩組評審委員 |
14 |
高師大43屆「南風文學獎」現代詩組評審委員 |
15 |
東海大學110學年東海文學獎新詩組決審委員 |
16 |
慈濟大學「慈大文學獎」新詩組決審委員 |
Faculty Profile
Basic Information
Name: Cheng, Chih-Jen Title: Assistant Professor Email: Chihjen@kmu.edu.tw Phone: 2116#312 |
Institution of Graduation |
Major/Department |
Degree |
National Dong Hwa University |
Department of Chinese Literature |
Ph.D. |
Expertise |
1 |
Modern poetry |
2 |
Taiwanese Modern and Contemporary Literature |
3 |
Literature of Hong Kong and Macau |
4 |
Cultural studies |
Project Name |
Start and End Dates |
Project Number |
1 |
Action Research on the Integration of Design-Based Learning into the Teaching of Modern Poetry General Education Courses |
2023/08/01~ 2024/07/31 |
PGE1120939 |
2 |
Rationality as a Guide: A Study on Yang Mu's Organic Poetics |
2023/08/01~ 2024/07/31 |
NSTC 112-2410-H-037-031 |
3 |
Time Consciousness in Yang Mu's Late PoemsⅡ |
2021/08/01~ 2022/10/31 |
MOST 110-2410-H-037-012 |
4 |
Time Consciousness in Yang Mu's Late Poem |
2020/08/01~ 2021/10/31 |
MOST 109-2410-H-037-017 |
Dissertations and Books
1 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Yang Mu's Reception and Transformation of Six Dynasties Poetics." In Hsu Yu-Fang, ed., Returning, Seeking and Interpretation: Essays on Yang Mu's Literature. Taipei: Student Book Co., 2024, pp. 213-256. |
2 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Eternal Nostalgia: A Discussion of Luo Zhicheng's Poetics of Dreams." In Xu Wen-Wei, ed., Reading Luo Zhicheng. Taipei: Unitas Publishing Co., Ltd., 2024, 2nd ed., pp. 89-121. |
3 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. The Rhythm of Time. Taipei: China Times Publishing Co., 2022. |
4 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Taoist Sentiment in Feng Menglong's San Yan." In the Editorial Committee of the Conference on Religious Life Care, ed., Proceedings of the Conference on Religious Life Care 2020. Kaohsiung: Center for General Education, Cheng Shiu University, 2021, pp. 77-104. |
5 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Variational Thinking of Yang Mu's Proposition of Time." In the Department of Chinese Literature, National Tainan University, ed., Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Thinking and Creation and the 3rd Conference on Language Teaching and Literary Creation. Tainan: Department of Chinese Literature, National Tainan University, 2021, pp. 69-87. |
6 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Exploration of the Mazu Image in Modern Macanese Poetry." In Chang Tangchi, ed., Selected Literary Critiques from the Taiwan-Hong Kong-Macau Regions. Macau: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau, 2019, pp. 343-369. |
7 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Entanglement, Leisurely Sorrow, and the Song of Low Profile: A Discussion of Object Writing in Xiang Ming's Poetry." In Ho Kun-Yi, ed., Language and Philosophy. Hualien: Tzu Chi University, 2017, pp. 81-102. |
8 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Exploration of the Paradise Consciousness in Ling Yu's Poetry." In Huang Shu-Chen, ed., Language and Culture. Hualien: Tzu Chi University, 2016, pp. 135-172. |
9 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. A Study of Post-War Taiwanese New Poetry's Paradise Writing. Hualien: PhD dissertation, Department of Chinese Literature, National Dong Hwa University, 2012. |
10 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Realistic Narrative and Transboundary Interpretation: A Discussion of Chen Li's I/City in Historical Narrative and Geographic Writing." In Chen Li, Wu Guan-Hong, et al., eds., Proceedings of the 6th Hualien Literary Conference. Hualien: Hualien County Cultural Bureau, 2012, pp. 157-196. |
11 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Return Journey of Modern Poets: A Discussion of the Nostalgic Space in 1970s Taiwanese New Poetry." In the Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University, ed., Proceedings of the 8th National Graduate Student Academic Conference on Taiwan Literature. Tainan: National Taiwan Museum of Literature, 2011, pp. 263-299. |
12 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "On the Lyric Aesthetics of Xiao Xiao's Poetry." In Yu Jing-Xi, ed., Islands Without Boundaries Due to Wind: A Special Edition on Huang Helang and Xiao Xiao Studies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Great World Publishing Company, 2011, pp. 129-154. |
13 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Equalization of Suffering and Freedom: A Study of Chen Li's Aesthetics of New Poetry." Master's thesis, Department of Chinese Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, 2003. |
Journal Papers
1 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Old Souls and Pastoral Dreams." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 219 (2024/06): 47-58. |
2 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Dark Consciousness of Post-90s Poets in Taiwan." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 217 (2023/12): 50-56. |
3 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Accident and Imagination: Reading Yan Zhongzheng's Time After All." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 214 (2023/03): 58-68. |
4 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "A Study of Postcolonial and Feminine Anarchy in Yi Ling's Poetry." Chinese Modern Literature, 41 (2022/06): 93-118. (THCI) |
5 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Linguistics of Love: Reading Chen Yifen's Birds of the Labyrinth." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 211 (2022/06): 76-80. |
6 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Entanglement, Leisurely Sorrow, and the Song of Low Profile: A Discussion of Object Writing in Xiang Ming's Poetry." Vineyard Poetry Journal, 233 (2022/02): 19-32. |
7 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Aesthetics of Emptiness: The Nomadic Nature of Ling Yu's Poetry." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 209 (2021/12): 47-53. |
8 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Memory, Moments, and Forgetting: The Temporality of Yang Mu's Poetry." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 207 (2021/06): 46-50. |
9 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Warnings in Prosperity, The Evolution of Love: Yuan Shaoshan's Exilic Writing." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 205(2020/12): 57-60. |
10 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Taste Beyond Taste in Liang Bingjun's Culinary Poetry." Genesis Poetry Magazine, 203 (2020/06): 57-61. |
11 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Meaning of Travel in Shu Guozhi's Solo in Hong Kong." Journal of General Education, Kaohsiung Medical University 14 (2019/12): 1-21. |
12 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Sensory Chronicles, Skin Metaphors: An Exploration of Huang Xinen's Small Matters of the Skin." Journal of General Education, Kaohsiung Medical University, 12 (2017/12): 63-89. |
13 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Exploration of Mazu Imagery in Modern Macanese Poetry." Chinese Modern Literature, 24 (2013/12): 147-166. (THCI) |
14 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Serenity Leads to Harmony: A Discussion of the Utopian Consciousness in Yang Mu's Poetry." Taiwanese Poetics, 20 (2012/11): 127-160. |
15 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Eternal Nostalgia: A Discussion of Luo Zhicheng's Poetics of Dreams." Sinophone Literature and Culture, 1 (2011/12): 196-235. |
Presentations at Conferences
1 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Resonance of Sounds: An Exploration of Life Meaning in Yang Mu's Nine Variations on the Qin Opera." Presented at the "2023 Fifth Conference on Bioethics and Medical Humanities," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 20, 2023. |
2 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Completion of a Poem: A Study on the Teaching of Modern Poetry Creation." Presented at the "2022 Conference on Literature and Language Teaching," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 14, 2022. |
3 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Sailing to Byzantium: The Reception and Transformation of Yang Mu's Poetics of the Six Dynasties." Presented at the "Yang Mu Literary Youth Forum," Hualien: National Dong Hwa University, March 11, 2022. |
4 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Misanthropic Poetics: The Lyric Self and Dark Consciousness of Taiwan's New Generation Poets." Presented at the "2021 Conference on Bioethics and Medical Humanities," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 22, 2021. |
5 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Teaching Design and Practice of 'Aesthetic Appreciation and Practice of Modern Poetry' General Education Course." Presented at the "2021 Taiwan General Education Strategy Alliance and Quality Promotion Conference" at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, July 27, 2021. |
6 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Variational Thinking of Yang Mu's Proposition of Time." Presented at the "13th Conference on Thinking and Creation and the 3rd Conference on Language Teaching and Literary Creation," Tainan: National Tainan University, January 15, 2021. |
7 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Taoist Sentiment in Feng Menglong's San Yan." Presented at the "2020 Conference on Religious Life Care," Kaohsiung: Cheng Shiu University, October 30, 2020. |
8 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "An Exploration of Yu Guangzhong's Poetry on Painting." Presented at the "2020 Conference on Literature and Language Teaching," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 23, 2020. |
9 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Love and Redemption: The Utopian Consciousness in Sun Weimin's Poetry." Presented at the "2019 Conference on Bioethics and Medical Humanities," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 4, 2019. |
10 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "On the Temporal Consciousness of Yang Mu's Late Poetry." Presented at the "International Academic Conference Celebrating Yang Mu's 80th Birthday," Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University, September 20, 2019. |
11 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Sensory Chronicles, Skin Metaphors: An Exploration of Huang Xinen's Small Matters of the Skin." Presented at the "2017 Conference on Bioethics and Medical Humanities," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 6, 2017. |
12 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "How Travel Reflects Life: A Case Study of Shu Guozhi's Solo in Hong Kong." Presented at the "2016 Conference on Literature and Language Teaching," Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Medical University, October 7, 2016. |
13 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Cultural Nostalgia in Liang Bingjun's Culinary Poetry." Presented at the "Seeing Objects through Objects: The Intertextual Context of Taiwan, East Asia, and the World" International Academic Conference, Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University, October 18, 2014. |
14 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Entanglement, Leisurely Sorrow, and the Song of Low Profile: A Discussion of Object Writing in Xiang Ming's Poetry." Presented at the "2014 Eastern Culture Conference," Hualien: Tzu Chi University, May 3, 2014. |
15 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Identity of the Fluid Island: A Discussion of Yi Ling's Postcolonial Poetics." Presented at the "Migration and Memory" International Academic Conference, Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University, October 5, 2013. |
16 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Exploration of the Utopian Consciousness in Ling Yu's Poetry." Presented at the "2013 Eastern Culture Conference," Hualien: Tzu Chi University, May 4, 2013. |
17 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Realistic Narrative and Transboundary Interpretation: A Discussion of Chen Li's I/City in Historical Narrative and Geographic Writing." Paper presented at the "6th Hualien Literary Conference," Hualien: Hualien County Cultural Bureau, September 24, 2011. |
18 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "Avant-Garde Poetics and Paradigm Shift: A Study on the Resumption Period of Modern Poetry." Presented at the "2011 Conference on Chinese Youth Literature," Hualien: National Dong Hwa University, December 13, 2011. |
19 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Return Journey of Modern Poets: A Discussion of the Nostalgic Space in 1970s Taiwanese New Poetry." Presented at the "8th National Graduate Student Academic Conference on Taiwanese Literature," Taipei: National Taiwan University, June 5, 2011. |
20 |
Cheng, Chih-Jen. "The Call of the Classical: A Discussion of Luo Fu's Reception and Interpretation of Tang Poetry." Presented at the "10th Student Academic Presentation of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Dong Hwa University," Hualien: National Dong Hwa University, October 2007. |
Honors and Achievements
1 |
5th Zhou Mengdie Poetry Award |
2 |
Kaohsiung World Games - Shigugu Poetry Selection |
3 |
National Outstanding Young Poet Award |
4 |
Keelung Ocean Literature Award |
5 |
Dawushan Literature Award |
6 |
Kaohsiung Dagou Literature Award |
7 |
Fucheng Literature Award |
8 |
Light in Darkness Literature Award |
9 |
Phoenix Tree Literature Award - Classical Prose First Prize |
10 |
Phoenix Tree Literature Award - Classical Qu First Prize |
11 |
Phoenix Tree Literature Award - Second Prize in Classical Tsu Poetry |
Academic Service
1 |
Head of the Teaching Research Group, Center for General Education, Kaohsiung Medical University |
2 |
Principal Investigator of Subproject 2: "Enhancing Customized and Progressive Bilingual Training" under the Higher Education Deep Cultivation Program |
3 |
Editorial Committee Member and Executive Editor of the Journal of General Education, Kaohsiung Medical University |
4 |
Member of the Informal Curriculum Development Committee, Center for General Education. |
5 |
Master's Thesis Oral Exam Committee Member for the Department of Chinese Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University |
6 |
Master's Thesis Oral Exam Committee Member for the Summer Program of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University |
7 |
Reviewer for Teacher Research Projects at Deh Yu College of Nursing and Health |
8 |
Reviewer for the Taiwanese Poetics |
9 |
Reviewer for the Journal of Chinese Literature of National Chiayi University |
10 |
Reviewer for the Taiyang Studies of Taiwanese Literature and History |
11 |
Reviewer for the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
12 |
Reviewer for the Jingguo Journal |
13 |
Reviewer for the Modern Poetry Category, 22nd " Honglou Modern Literature Award," National Taiwan Normal University |
14 |
Reviewer for the Modern Poetry Category, 43rd "South Wind Literary Award," National Kaohsiung Normal University |
15 |
Final Reviewer for the New Poetry Category, Tunghai Literary Award, 110th Academic Year, Tunghai University |
16 |
Final Reviewer for the New Poetry Category, Tzu Chi University "Tzu Chi Literary Award" |